martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Awkwardness at the office!

A very embarrassing moment that I remembered was last semester, In July, in the office of my Anthropology teacher.
I was there because I want to re-check a test, so I went to his office and started to notice that all the points that I missed was on the three written questions, in which I had 5 of 7 points. But I was so sure that all the answers where completely good, that I started to blame on the teacher’s helper of that bad correction of my answers. As I was saying things like “The helper is so dumb” or “It’s obviously that he made a mistake correction my test”, my teacher (that it was talking with someone on the phone), came to me and told me: “So the dumb it’s me because this time I was the person that check the tests”.
As I was listening that words I couldn`t be able to do or say anything. I fell so embarrassing that I even want to turn around and watch him to his face. So that, I quickly left the test on the table and start apologizes of my words, saying that I thought that his helper was corrected that answers as usually. Then, I run out of the office and I immediately fell my face very blush. Felling so embarrassed about the situation that even now every time that I see my teacher on the hallways I get a little bit nervous.

1 comentario:

  1. A very embarrassing moment that I remembered was last semester, In July, in the office of my Anthropology teacher.
    I was there because I want to re-check a test, so I went to his office and started to notice that all the points that I missed was on the three written questions, in which I had 5 of 7 points. But I was so sure that all the answers where completely good, that I started to blame on the teacher’s helper of that bad correction of my answers. As I was saying things like “The helper is so dumb” or “It’s obviously that he made a mistake correction my test”, my teacher (that it was talking with someone on the phone), came to me and told me: “So the dumb it’s me because this time I was the person that check the tests”.
    As I was listening ^ that words I couldn`t be able to do or say anything. I SP fell so embarrassing that I even want to turn around and watch him to his face. So that, I quickly left the test on the table and start apologizes of my words, saying that I thought that his helper was corrected that answers as usually. Then, I TENSE run out of the office and I immediately fell my face very blush. Felling so embarrassed about the situation that even now every time that I see my teacher on the hallways I get a little bit nervous.

    SHAme on YOU! paloma... that`s bad I would feel very bad as a teacher as well...
    anyway with that we all learn we make mistakes
    p.s. you got a 6,5
