martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Is the final essay!!

In the past year, my first years as a college student, there have been lot of challenges, difficulties, and specially lot of new knowledge on the academic side. Both semesters where full of tests, works and presentations, however, all the new elements that now I can use, make me feel that all the effort has starting to pay off. This is the reason why now, at the end of the second semester, I’m starting to feeling confidence about the election of the Psychology career as the best options without any doubt.

At the beginning of 2009, the first weeks in the University where like an adaptation time, all the freshmen where trying to understand the new system, new teachers, new spaces, and specially, new teachers. On the first semester, we have six subjects, but only one (Psychology I) was fully related with the career! That situation makes me feel a little bit anxious about when I’m able to known truly the matters of this discipline. However, there were a couple of subjects like Social anthropology and Methodology of the social research that were very useful, The first one, gave me a new perspective about the human behavior; and the second one, taught me lot of skills in what involves the social research (a very important thing in my future work as psychologist).

By august, the first semester was over, and luckily I pass all the subjects, without forgetting that I just pass Social History with a poor 4,0! So everything was starting from scratch, and six new subjects started. Now I had the majority of them directly involve with the psychological issues, and for that reason I was very excited, however, as the semester was passing, the difficulty grew… the texts have more pages, the essays multiplied, and we have tests all the week. But this is what I wanted, this is what I expected the first semester, so I have to enjoy as much as I could.

Doing this fast travel through my first year of psychology I can noted that despite of all the difficulties and effort that I make, all the new knowledge that I’ve reached only in one year worth it. For that reason, now, at the end of the second semester besides that I feel tired, I have all the energy to keep learning the interesting things that the next years are going to show me in the way to become a psychologist.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Psychology, a developing Social science

In my point of view, the second semester of psychology has been full of very interesting challenges. On the technology area, the research work of statistics that my group and I are be doing during all the semester, have been quite a challenge in what involves the knowledge of a very complicated PC program calls SPSS. This program could be very useful in the future if I decide to go for the psychometric area. This area of psychology involves all the tests, questionnaires and scales that therapists use to know what is the pathology, issue or anything that the psychologist want to know. Nevertheless, this area is watched for many people like a complement of a psychologically therapy, rejecting the psychometric as a way of treat a person, because for many psychologists this method cannot understand a person in all of his dimensions.

In what concerns to the social matters, the psychology has a lot to say. This is the reason why this career has an area called Social Psychology. This area works very close to the social assistants, and even sociologists. The social psychology tries to have a more collective or social way to look and understand the human issues. Understanding the social context of those persons and from there, work with the individual human being. However, this area is watched for a few as an intromission in the social context, because the “traditional” and basic characteristic of this discipline was that is centered in one person, without paying attention of the social context that he/she belongs. But as the years pass, more students of psychology get interested in this more social area of the psychology, as well as this area is getting more important in the majority of the countries.

Finally, in the education area, the Psychology is much known in this area, especially in the University of Chile, here, a lot of the psychology teachers develop the educational psychology and have lot of projects and investigations centered in recover the public education and to finish with the big gap between private and public schools. Considering this huge problem, the developing and improving of the educational area in this discipline is, in my point of view, one of the biggest challenges that the we as future psychologists cannot leave behind.